Embracing Accountability as an Estate Agent

By: Matt Giggs | July 15, 2024

Hi it's Matt Giggs and I'm here to talk to you about why you should embrace accountability.

I started Giggs and Co. nearly 12 years ago, which is unbelievable. I mean I've learned so much in 12 years. The thing that really helped me to accelerate the business in the first six years was embracing feedback and being held accountable.

Why? Because you need accountability to see results.

Imagine going training with a PT, right? And you just show up, you rock up, you've got no goals, you've got no action plan, no nutritional plan, and you just go away and you come back. You go away and you come back.

What are your results going to be like? Average, right? They're going to be average because you've got nothing to measure, nothing to manage, nothing to do, there's no plan.

So how the hell are you going to know if you're moving forward or not? You've got no clear goals. Without goals, you’ll stay stuck being average.

Achieving requires performance outside of your comfort zone

To help you move outside of your comfort zone, you need to have someone who's going to be there to follow you up, because the fortune is in the follow up.

If you're a leader or a manager in an estate agency, your fortune is in the follow up. It's in the follow up of your people. It's in the follow up of how you can get the best out of someone because there's so much more to everybody.

Most people will do just enough rather than what it takes. They'll find an excuse, they won't find a way.

Last week, I went to a bootcamp that reinforced this lesson for me. This bootcamp’s setting is in a retreat-style environment. The environment is warm, it's inviting, it's modern, it's posh, it's lovely, it's got all of those things going for it. Nice sauna, cold plunge pool, you're in the countryside, it's just amazing.

The bootcamp was brutal. Four hours of training, four different sessions a day. I’m used to doing just one hour a day, most days, right? I'll probably do three or four training sessions a week for one hour and that's my go-to.

At the bootcamp I was doing that in a day.

Session 1

After one hour on day one, I was broken. I was literally like, oh God. No, this is hard.

In that hour, I’d done mobility to warm up and then HIIT. I was sweating like you wouldn't believe. And I knew I had another three days of this stuff.

In that first break while I was having a drink and snacks, my legs were starting to seize up. You know the feeling when you've worked really hard because you've pushed your limits.

Then I had to go and do it again.

Session 2

The guys there by my side were going, “No, your knees need to go, they need to be higher. You need to get onto the box, you need to straighten your back.”

I was doing all of this stuff and getting

- told about my form,

- managed on the reps,

- told to improve the distances,

- all of those different things.

That's the second hour. I was literally lying there at the end of the second hour on day one thinking, ‘I've got another three days’.

We had another break and then it was on to another session.

Session 3

Session 3 was absolutely crazy with weights.

Time under tension.

It was like somebody had replaced my arms at the end of this session, right? And they'd given me somebody else's which were like 10 times heavier.

At the end of this session, I was sitting there going, ‘I can't believe I've just done three hours in a morning. It's one o'clock, it's time for lunch.’

It was quite a morning, but the day wasn’t over.

Session 4 and the end of the day

After lunch, there was boxing.

Seriously, boxing, and the guy's there telling me what to do. Getting me to try different styles. It was a lot.

I was spent at the end, but knew this was just one day of four.

I'm used to doing one hour of training. I'd just completed four hours of training. I was broken. I’d burned about 1500 calories at that point just from training alone. No exaggeration.

If the trainers weren't there, what would I have done that day? What would I have really done that day? I would have done one hour at 60%.

With the trainers, I'd done four hours at 100%. There was nothing left of me in each session, but each session I found a little bit extra.

To celebrate that first day, we went on a nice long walk in the cold, in the sleet, in the snow. And I loved it.

At the end of that first day, I came back and decided to do a one minute cold plunge. Normally, I wouldn’t do that, so why did I? 'Cause I knew my why. And I knew that this accountability was exactly what I needed.

This accountability had got me four, five times, six times my results for that day. And I came away with six centimetres off my waist. So what I'm asking you is, do you have that accountability around you?

Do you have the accountability you need to be a great estate agent?

Do you know someone around you that's got your interests, your vision, your mission, your insights, the things that you want you to do and achieve at heart? Have you got someone like that by your side?

If you haven't, you need to find someone. You need to message me, and I'll find you someone.

Because believe me, when you've got that person by your side, it's gonna change your life. Because if you think about that 60% that I would have done in that first hour that turned into so much more because of accountability, you know you need it.

It was more than just accountability, though. One of the bits that really unlocked it for me is when they put me on a team like a partnership. When you’re on a team, you're with one other person and you don't want to let them down. That was just like gold. It was absolute gold because you pushed yourself even harder as a team.

This is what I'm asking you to do with accountability. If you've got someone who's going to give up 10, 15, 20 minutes, an hour of their time every single week, just to hold you accountable to do one thing really well, choose the right person, and don't let them down.

If you don't let them down, you won't let you down. You're going to grow, grow, grow, and grow and that is what embracing accountability is all about.

Good luck being held accountable.

How to access more free estate agent training

So look, that was embracing accountability. And that was really just one story that I shared with you. But it's a story that's so close to my heart, but more my mind.

Accountability releases your potential. It helps you to see where you can get to. And having someone around you that'll help you to do that will be incredible for you, so follow this path.

If you’ve enjoyed this post, check out some of my other free resources on my YouTube channel and my blog:

- How to build trust in your estate agency team

- How to plan your day for success as a real estate agent

- Five things to quit to be a successful real estate agent

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